Let’s hit the outdoors.
Air travel has plummeted. International trips are rare. Hotel occupancy is in the toilet. But Americans have not stopped visiting national parks — according to Google GPS data, the amount of time we spend in national parks is up more than 60% in 2020. Call it the one rate we’re happy to see trend positive — after all, spending time in nature is proven to improve our wellbeing and is extremely friendly to social distancing.
But before you gear up — pun intended — for a trip to a local or not-so-local national park, you’re going to <strikethrough>need<strikethrough> want to stock up on these eight handy essentials. Bon voyage!</strikethrough></strikethrough>
If you like to start the day with a hot bowl of oatmeal or cup of coffee and follow up a hike with an ice-cold beverage, Stojo’s collapsible cups, complete with temperature-resistant sleeves, are for you. Plus, they come in four sizes and 22 colors, so there really is a version for everyone.
12-oz Cup, $15, Stojo.
PSA: Summer may be over (RIP), but that doesn’t stop mosquitos in plenty of places. Keep them at bay with a citrus- and vanilla-scented spray that is 100% DEET-free.
Golden Hour, $22, Kinfield.
You could stuff your toothpaste and contact solution in a flimsy Ziplock and your meds in a days-of-the-week box, and hope neither leaks. If only that ever worked. These actually secure capsules, which snap together, each hold about seven pills, two to four uses of shampoo or conditioner, 20 portions of toothpaste… You get the idea.
Get Outside, $42, Cadence.
Speaking of toothpaste, imagine a life free of struggling to get the product you need without piercing the tube. Huppy’s “toothtabs” come in a reusable aluminum case for less waste, less mess, and less harming of our planet.
Zero Waste Toothpaste, $12 for 62 tablets, Huppy.
Did we get you on the no-packaging train yet? Welcome aboard! While we — not to mention the people who have to smell us — have been burned by natural deodorant before, that won’t be the case with Myro’s plant-powered formula. For a weekend in the wild, we dig the fragrance-free variety.
Open Air, $15, Myro.
Is it glamorous? No. But it is the ultimate essential. Bippy’s TP uses no trees, is hypoallergenic, and lacks plastic packaging or rolls. Net, net, it allows you to take care of your business without inadvertently hurting the lands you’re enjoying on your excursion.
Bippy Bamboo Toilet Paper, $32 per 24-pack, Bippy.
Nothing ruins a camping trip faster than a nasty sunburn, so you better bet we’re doing everything we can to save our skin. This lightweight formula protects against UV rays and free radicals, which contribute to aging.
Anti-Pollution SPF45+, $27, Koa.
We know you’re still not even thinking about using a disposable water bottle, and when you purchase this reusable style, 100% of the proceeds go to the National Forest Foundation, Make A Wish Foundation, and three other organizations dedicated to improving our world.
Earth Day Water Bottle, $5, Pathwater.